Planning Permission

If you are a member of the Radio Society of Great Britain you can seek the advise of the Planning Advisory Committee's Planning Panel. Members of the Planning Panel are Radio amateurs with knowledge, often professional, of the planning process as it applies to amateur radio installations and can advise on the preparation of planning applications, enforcement issues and appeals. Members can download a guide to the planning process at:-

Your callsign is the login name and your password is your membership number which can be found on the postal cover in which RadCom is sent. All requests for planning assistance must be made via RSGB HQ and not directly to panel members.

If you're not a member of the RSGB, why not!  £44 is a lot of money if you don't have it, but otherwise it's the bargain of the hobby. If you don't like how the Society is run then get involved and try to change it but remember you can't please all of the people all of the time and it is only a  hobby. There are far too many people out there who believe there view of the hobby is the only true view and if you don't agree, your their mortal enemy, sad people.

In March 2007 I wrote an article on planning permission in Practical Wireless and although not as detailed as the RSGB guide does contain sufficient information for most installation. Practical Wireless has kindly permitted me to reproduce the article and it can be downloaded by clicking on the planning permission icon.         


Additional Information for tenants

As well as requiring planning permission, tenants will generally require the permission of their landlord to erect antennas on their property. Many Local Authority tenants think having been granted planning permission by the Council it also includes landlord’s permission. Generally this is not so and you must also obtain Landlords permission even if it is from the same Council.


Unfortunately permission is sometimes withheld. The RSGB Planning Advisory Panel is unable to assist members with tenancy disputes however general information on howto complain about tenancy matters can be found at the How to complain website by clicking at:-   www.howtocomplain.comp://w
I regret as the Society's indemnity insurance only covers me for work done on the Society's, behalf I cannot assist non members in the preparation of their planning applications.

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